The individual responsible for Records Management at PHC Digital Ltd is Pete Henshall who can be contacted via or mobile +44 7852 942082
Policy key definitions:
• “I”, “our”, “us”, or “we” refer to the business PHC Digital Ltd, 7 The Close, Norwich, Norfolk NR1 4DJ.
• “you”, “the user” refer to the person(s) using this website.
• GDPR means General Data Protection Act.
• ICO means Information Commissioner’s Office.
We are registered with the ICO under the Data Protection Register: Number ZA337228
Overall commitment
We commit to the good practice recommendations in the Code of Practice on Records Management issued by the Lord Chancellor under section 46 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Records Management is vital to deliver our products and services in an orderly fashion. We will create, manage and dispose of records safely and at the right time.
By adopting this policy, we aim to ensure that a record, whatever form it takes, is accurate, reliable, ordered, up to date, useful and accessible whenever it is needed to help us carry out our business and make informed decisions.
Roles of Records Management
Records, and related information, are considered an asset, essential to the work of PHC Digital Ltd. Without records we are unable to carry out our day-to-day business and as such is of utmost importance.
Related Policies
Records Management touches on everything we do at PHC Digital Ltd and is referenced in all GDPR related information. When we talk about individuals, customers, suppliers and staff we are in fact talking about the electronic or paper based record to do with that entity or individual.
There is a responsibility on all directors, staff and contractors in relation to records management. All practices outlined in the Information Security Policy and GDPR Data Protection Policy should be adhered to relating to records and record keeping.
It is the responsibility of Pete Henshall as per the first paragraph of this policy to ensure all staff comply with the policy.
Supporting Documentation
The processes and procedures for dealing with records, particularly in relation to the GDPR can be found in the internal-only PHC Digital Ltd Policy, Process and Procedures documentation given during induction and available to staff members on request to Records are also mentioned in the publicly available policy documents available on the website.
Monitoring Compliance
Compliance will be monitored by the Data Protection Lead as per the first page of the GDPR Data Protection Policy document.
Responsibility for Inactive Records
Inactive records will be monitored by the Data Protection Lead, listed on the first page of the GDPR Data Protection Policy document. They will be assessed in relation to the retention policy outlined and then removed in accordance with the policy.
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